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5 best Way to use Honey in improve Beauty -(Acne, Skin tone, Hair growth, Creaked heals and dry lips).


Honey is a very useful ingredient in terms of beauty. Here we discuss the benefits of honey in the term of beauty and skincare. In this article we discuss how honey is beneficial for 5 major skin problems (Acne, Skin tone, Hair growth, Creaked heals and dry lips).

Acne treatment

Required Ingredient

  • Honey
  • Turmeric powder
  • Aloe vera gel


Take one teaspoon of Honey with One tablespoon of Aloe vera gel and 1/4 teaspoon of Turmeric powder. Mix it well and apply it on face.let it sit for 20 minutes then wash it off with water.


Do it for just seven days to get visible results. Honey, turmeric and Aloe vera gel has antibacterial properties that help to kill acne-causing bacteria. Honey has Antioxidant properties which also reduce dark spots Causes by acne.

Skin Tone

Required Ingredient

  • Honey
  • Turmeric powder
  • lime juice


To Improve uneven skin tone use mixture of one tablespoon Honey, one teaspoon turmeric and one teaspoon lime juice(Dilute with water if have sensitive skin). Apply it on your skin as a mask and leave it on for 20 minutes Wash with lukewarm water to reveal glowing skin.


Do it twice or thrice in a week to get visible results in three weeks. Limes contain vitamin C and antioxidants which help to reduce dark spots to get even skin tone.

Hair Growth

Required Ingredient

  • Honey
  • Onions juice


Take 1/4 cup onion juice and mix with one tablespoon of Honey into it. Massage this potion on your scalp for about 10 minutes and then wash off.


When it added to the hair and scalp, onion juice can provide extra sulfur to support strong and thick hair, thus preventing hair loss and promoting hair growth. Apply onion juice to the hair and scalp could increase hair growth. Do it before sleep to get batter results.

Cracked heels

Required Ingredient

  • Honey
  • Warm Water


Take warm water in a container in which you can easily place your feet then Soak your feet in a mixture of warm water and scrub gently for 15 minutes to get soft and supple feet.


Honey is considered to be antiseptic so it helps heal Craked it every two days to get visible results in two or three weeks.

Dry lips

Required Ingredient

  • Honey


Exfoliate your lips and apply a thin layer of raw honey on your lips before going to bed, to wake up to soft, smooth lips.


Honey can help to remove dry, dead skin from your lips and moisturize and protect cracked lips from infection. Do it every night before going to bed, to get visible results in only three or four days.


In this article we discuss about how honey is beneficial for Acne, Skin tone, Hair growth, Creaked heals and dry lips Besides this Honey is also beneficial for many more beauty or skincare as well as other health-related problems like Glowing skin, weight loss, cold, cough and many more.

Attention:- If your skin is sensitive. Test all remedies if you get irritation or something inconvenient by applying any remedy then remove it and don't try again.


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