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Showing posts from April, 2020

5 best Way to use Honey in improve Beauty -(Acne, Skin tone, Hair growth, Creaked heals and dry lips).

Introduction Honey is a very useful ingredient in terms of beauty. Here we discuss the benefits of honey in the term of beauty and skincare. In this article we discuss how honey is beneficial for 5 major skin problems (Acne, Skin tone, Hair growth, Creaked heals and dry lips). Content list Introduction Acne treatment Skin Tone Hair Growth Creaked heal Dry lips conclusion Acne treatment Required Ingredient Honey Turmeric powder Aloe vera gel Method Take one teaspoon of Honey with One tablespoon of Aloe vera gel and 1/4 teaspoon of Turmeric powder. Mix it well and apply it on face.let it sit for 20 minutes then wash it off with water. Benefits Do it for just seven days to get visible results. Honey, turmeric and Aloe vera gel has antibacterial properties that help to kill acne-causing bacteria. Honey has Antioxidant properties which also reduce dark spots

Acne - What Really Causes Acne?, A-List of Common Natural Remedies, Prevention tips.

Introduction Many people facing Many of the problems who are trying to deal with acne so, In this post, we quickly find some Basic information about acne their causes, Natural Remedies for acne and how do we Prevent from acne. Content list Introduction What Is Acne? What Really Causes Acne? Hormones Heavy or oily cosmetics Environmental irritants Medication A-List of Common Natural Remedies. Drinking-Water Honey Mask Hot/Cold Compresses Acne Prevention. What Is Acne? Acne is a demonological term that occurs on the face, neck, chest, back, shoulders, and upper arms when hair follicle grows your hair by packing old cells together plug with oil and dead skin cells. It is the most common problem in teenagers but there is no limit of any age group to having acne even adults in their forties can affect by acne. It has many varieties, and although none are life-threatening, but it can be disfiguri