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Acne - What Really Causes Acne?, A-List of Common Natural Remedies, Prevention tips.


Many people facing Many of the problems who are trying to deal with acne so, In this post, we quickly find some Basic information about acne their causes, Natural Remedies for acne and how do we Prevent from acne.

Content list

What Is Acne?

Acne is a demonological term that occurs on the face, neck, chest, back, shoulders, and upper arms when hair follicle grows your hair by packing old cells together plug with oil and dead skin cells.
It is the most common problem in teenagers but there is no limit of any age group to having acne even adults in their forties can affect by acne.
It has many varieties, and although none are life-threatening, but it can be disfiguring, leaving permanent scars on affected areas.

What Really Causes Acne?


At the time of puberty, the human body starts to produce hormones called androgens, it is also called male hormones but don't fool with the name it is produced by both men's and women's bodies. These androgens cause the sebaceous glands to enlarge and make extra sebum or oil that mixes with dead skin cells and bacteria on the skin's surface and blocks pores. In the blocked pore, the bacteria multiply and cause inflammation.

Due to hormonal shifts that are associate with puberty in teenagers, they are the most common sufferers of acne. The current figure indicates almost 85% of people affected with acne at some point between the ages of 12 and 25.

Heavy or oily cosmetics

In the case of some certain cosmetics, their ingredients can affect the structure of hair follicles and lead to extra production of sebum, which in turn clogs the pores.

Environmental irritants

Pollution can also have much the same effect upon the skin, clogging pores and creating infections to develop acne.


Some certain drugs have there side effects which can cause acne.

A-List of Common Natural Remedies.


If you drink a sufficient amount of water per day about seven to eight glasses of water a day, your body is cleansed of elements of toxicity which can actually help to the development and spread of acne.

Honey Mask

honey Consist of naturally antibacterial qualities it is often applied to the face as a mask, it killing surface bacteria. Basically, the mask should be applied once or twice weekly depending upon the results of usage.

Hot/Cold Compresses

A main natural remedy that is recommended more often than not is the usage of hot and cold wet towel compresses to reduce swelling and eliminate clogged pores, the major culprit in the production of acne.

Acne Prevention tips.

  • Don't use alcohol
  • Choose skin products carefully
  • Avoid constant touching or picking at your face
  • Wash your face twice a day.


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